The Womxn’s Leadership Collective

Our Partners

The Womxn’s Leadership Collective for Nature and Climate Action is comprised of three organizations working to shift systems and nurture women-identified leaders. Our partners founded the collective through forming trust-based relationships and are committed to deepening this work.

MakwWay Logo

MakeWay is a national charity and public foundation with a goal to enable nature and communities to thrive together. We do this by building partnerships, providing solutions, grants, and services for the charitable sector across the country.

Systems Sanctuary is a refuge for systems leaders, acting as a support system for leaders who are working on social or environmental challenges and trying to shift unhealthy systems to have a deeper impact.

Turtle Island Institute, a MakeWay Charitable Society project, is a global Indigenous social innovation think-and-do tank – a teaching lodge- enabling transformative change. We breathe Spirit into systems spaces that have become disconnected from the Spirit of Life by amplifying Indigenous knowledge systems, ancient wisdom traditions, and Indigenous science. We believe large-scale systemic change begins through restoring the sacred feminine and reawakening the Human Spirit by connecting to self, each other, our Earth Mother, and all of Creation.